Whiskas knows what your growing cat needs for a 100 percent nutritional and balanced complete meal. With decades of experience, Whiskas has all the essentials to let your cat enjoy a long and healthy life. The meals are prepared for different stages of your cat’s life and a variety of flavours to suit your cat’s taste buds.

Made with chicken and gravy, this meal is designed to suit the natural feeding instincts of your cat. With a blend of all essential nutrients like calcium, protein, phosphorous and antioxidants, this meal promises a healthy heart, strong bones and muscles, the right weight, and good overall immunity in your cat.

Serve your cat this complete and balanced meal with clean drinking water every day, preferably two times a day based on body weight. If your cat does not seem to like the food at first, do continue the mixture illustrated above for a few more days.

Introducing your cat to Whiskas will require you to blend portions of the food in its home cooked food. Begin by blending 25 percent of Whiskas with 75 percent home cooked food on the first day. Increase this to 50 percent of Whiskas in 50 percent of home food after two days. Make it 75 percent of Whiskas with 25 percent home food on day 5, and after a week, your cat should be ready to have wholesome Whiskas without any addition. Store Whiskas food in an airtight container. Keep the food well sealed in a container, away from sunlight and at room temperature.
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